Láng Eszter
Képzőművészeti díjai: XII. Nemzetközi Miniatűr Kiállítás különdíja, Kaposvár, (2007); INTERCOMA (International Convention of Modern Arts) díja nemzetközi képzőművészeti tevékenységéért, Stuttgart (2008); Emlékplakett kimagasló munkájáért (100 éves a Nőnap), Budapest (2008); Elismerő Oklevél, Szabadka (Subotica, Szerbia, 2008); Elismerő Oklevél, Bácskossuthfalva (Stara Moravica, Szerbia, 2009). A Miskolc KapuCíner című antológia szerzője.
SPN könyvek ajánló
Láng Eszter
A Breath of freedom
I have been organizing and taking part in mail art exhibitions for twenty years now. It all began by this being the only field of art where formal art education was not mandatory, where the jury did not turn me down, they did not make me feel that I was an outsider, where they did not question why I chose this or that method instead of another one. This made it easy for me to quickly feel comfortable in this genre and when I could finally spread my wings and started to fly – meaning that my works were accepted at real, national and international grand exhibitions, I got admittance to different organizations gathering professional artists – however, I have always returned here sometimes as a participant other times as an organizer.
Mail art means freedom for me even today, as a curator it is a challenge: am I able to get well known artists to work with me to be able to gather a professional group of international artists from South America to Asia, from around thirty or forty countries.
Mail art also gives me the joy that I can come up with any interesting topic to which people from different parts of the world react in different ways. As a curator it gives me the joy of getting the chance to touch, hold and closely inspect each piece of art with a unique taste of expectation and excitement that precedes the unpacking just to unveil an actual piece of art so I can evaluate if it is good, whether I like it or it we can forget about it.
The material is usually much more heterogeneous compared to works of art on display at „conventional” art exhibitions. Mail art works have a different story, they can be and must be displayed, organized and set up differently their value is to be measured differently so alternative ways are needed to call attention to them.
Each work involves a breath of freedom, the freedom of its creator and the genre. And what else could be more important in creating than freedom? So this is why I do it, this is why I bring exhibitions like this to life and take on curators’ tasks. Because this freedom that makes me happy…